Aus Berlin (from Berlin)

Concept: Aus Berlin (From Berlin): a carefully curated magazine for artists, creatives and city slickers.Berlin, much like New York, Tokyo or any other major city, act as a cultural hub. Each city has its own characteristics and aesthetics that are carefully curated by a unique demographic of people from all walks of life. Wether it be art, music, design or all other things that make up our culture, this magazine is designed to be a tool of inspiration for creative individuals much like Berlin or other major city centers.Inspiration: In time I have become an obsessed collector of many things and one of those being vintage culture and design magazines. Throughout my career I’ve turned to these old magazines as I am inspired by the layout, design and overall content of them even if they may be written in French, German, Japanese etc.. I’ve always dreamed to one day turn this inspiration into my own take on the idea and this project in many ways has helped make that dream feel a bit more real.

Design Objective: Develop a working title and branded logo. Further reinforce the branding and concept with an attractive design system for magazine covers (3) and featured article type layouts (3).

Note: this project is a work in progress/proof of concept not intended (currently) for real life application.


Editorial Layout

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